Sunday, June 21, 2009

50 Rupees

Yesterday, on the way to my gym (yesss...folks, I am trying to treat my body like a temple and it is no fun. ), it was around 6 am and I was the only person on the street. One has to be very careful when walking through the streets of Old Rajinder Nagar, Delhi thanks to the doggy poo lying around (a rant post on this in the offing) and there I was carefully walking with my head down looking out for potential "mines" and I saw a crisp 50 rupee note just lying there in the middle of the street. I checked for any strings or attachments to see if it was a part of some one's early morning joke but I found none.

I wrestled with my conscience as to whether I should pick it up and if I did pick the note what would I do with it ? And then I had a flashback.....

I was in college and practically starving, I lived on a sum of Rs. 100 per week and one week, the horrid landlord that we had took 100 bucks off us for carrying out some "repairs" and there I was left with no money for the week. I managed the first two days going without breakfast and then on the third day, I really ahd no clue as to how I was going to make it till the end of the month. I was scared and worried and I did not want to borrow from any one. I just sat down in the college library and prayed with tears.

After college got over, I began walking back to my room and once again I was on a deserted road and I found a 50/= note just lying there (sounds cliched but I swear it's the truth)and I looked around, saw nobody and decided to pick it up. The saved me and lasted me till I received my next meagre replenishment.

Standing there now, 12 years later staring at a similar situation, I recalled my earlier need and desperation and I took a decision. I decided to let the note lie there . On my way back, I saw that the note had gone and I hoped that either :

a. the person who had dropped had picked it up or,
b. a really needy person had come across and found the money just like I had years ago.


Mystic Margarita said...

You did the right thing. Hopefully it went back to the owner or to one who needed it.

Sucharita Sarkar said...

I Appreciate your honesty and reticence...I would have been so tempted! And erratic is better than absent blogger...welcome back!

Thinking Cramps said...

Fingers crossed that it was one of these two things that happened. I loved reading this!

Thinking Cramps said...

Fingers crossed that it was one of these two things that happened. I loved reading this!

teahouse said...

What a cool story! Yes, I'm sure that someone who needed it more picked it up. It was the universe's way of continuing the cycle.

Hriday said...

brilliant action! glad to know you! I dont know what my choice would have been in such a situation. Why dont you make a short story out of it?